Dr. Tayria Ward

Dream Medicine

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Tayria Ward, Ph.D., lives in Asheville, North Carolina, where she has a private practice offering dream analysis, psychological, and spiritual guidance to clients from all over the world.

Tayria has worked intensively with her own and other peoples’ dreams for more than 45 years — and for nearly 30 years, has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being.

Tayria also conducts retreats and vision quests, teaches on-line courses, classes and lectures, and offers oracular readings upon request.

You can learn more about Tayria and her work at https://tayriaward.com/.

 Dr. Ward’s Free Gift to You:

You are invited to participate in a monthly Global Community Dream Symposium with Dr. Tayria Ward & Jocelyn Star Feather.

Each month, dreamers from all over the world come to listen to each other's dreams, to talk about and receive the messages they impart for the individual and the community, and to receive their medicine and their magic.

Dreams always tell us what is really going on. They consistently give important messages, show us where to put our attention, and offer insight from the depths of the world and of our collective psyche.

Come enter the Dreamtime with us, bring your dreams, and open your hearts to the dreaming voice of the world.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!