Dr. Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire

Divine Healing:
Master Key to Self Healing

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Dr. Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire was born in France and raised in Ireland. She qualified as a Medical Doctor in 1994 and practiced in Dublin covering the specialities of casualty, pediatrics, psychiatry, and general practice until 1998.

She left medicine following a profoundly transformational spiritual opening and started to work as an intuitive healer. She moved to England in 2000 and back to France in 2020. Over the years, she has worked as a healer and teacher.

Ahlmeirah's purpose is to remind people that they are vast multi-dimensional Beings, reconnect them to that truth, and bring in the frequencies of Unconditional Love through joy in the body.

 Dr. Ahlmeirah’s Free Gift to You:

A Healing Recording of the 7 Subtle Bodies

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