We are living in a time of great challenge and change.

We need deep inner strength to get through it.

Now is the time to discover the power within yourself, and wake up the SuperHero inside of you.

Are you struggling with one or more of the following symptoms?

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Food sensitivities

  • Gut disorders

  • Chronic pain

  • Insomnia

  • Trauma

If you are saying YES to any or all of the above, it’s important to know two key facts:

Fact #1. You Are Not Alone In This.

Fact #2. You have the power, Already within you, To Change Your Situation.

To guide you in uncovering the strength & ability to change that is already within you, we’ve created an exciting and empowering global conference.

This event brings together Medical Doctors, Holistic Health Practitioners, Experts, Visionaries, Wisdom Keepers, Scientists, and more!

They will guide YOU to understand that you already have the power to heal yourself, and they will show you precisely how to access that power.

They will help you to activate your full potential and Wake Up the SuperHero within YOU.

You are invited to attend, completely free.

Wake Up Your SuperHero:
Put the Power of Your Health Back Into Your Own Hands

Global Online Event
April 10 - 14, 2023

During this inspiring conference, you will learn a wealth of information to help you discover & strengthen your inner power & inner resources, to create true & lasting change in your life, particularly in your health.

Topics we’ll cover include:

  • Dr. Divi Chandna – Healing: An Inner Journey Into Your truth

  • Puma Quispe Singona – Sumaq Kaysay: Harmonize Your Health

  • K.P. Singh Khalsa – SuperHero Herbs Every Day

  • DaeEss 1Dreah (Dr. Andrea Pennington) – Adopt a HERO Mindset and Change Your Health Story

  • Debra Poneman – 5 Secrets to Slow, Stop, and Reverse Aging

  • Dr. Tayria Ward – Dream Medicine

  • Dr. John Ryan – Quantum Healing: The Hero Lies in You

  • Russell Mariani – How to Unlock Your Cellular Super Powers

  • Dr. Joel Fuhrman – Dietary Portfolio to Maximize Disease Prevention & Longevity

  • Dr. Melissa Petersen – Working with Stress to Transform Your Health and Life

  • And so much more!


When you are experiencing anxiety, fatigue, chronic pain, insomnia, or other symptoms …

It can have a significant influence on your daily life, making you feel:

  • Stuck

  • Frustrated

  • Overwhelmed

  • Depleted

  • Disconnected from your body, mind and soul

The experts in the Wake Up Your SuperHero conference understand how you feel, and they have profound knowledge to help with what you’ve been going through.

These experts have been specifically chosen because they have the keys to help you heal.

They can guide you to transform your life.

During this powerful 5-day event, you will be invited to move beyond the guilt, shame, blame, and despair you may be feeling now …

To let go of old patterns and old excuses that have kept you in a frustrating spiral …

And step into true transformation.

Transformation is the means through which Heroes are made.

And YOU are a SuperHero.


Meet Our Brilliant Speakers from Around the World

Dr. Fernando Berrios,
Your Host & Creator of Wake Up Your SuperHero

Wake Up Your SuperHero:
Awaken Your Hidden Power

Dr. Divi Chandna

An Inner Journey into Your Truth

Dr. Keesha Ewers

Healing Childhood Attachment Disorders in Order to Wake Up Your Adult SuperHero

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Dietary Portfolio to Maximize Disease Prevention & Longevity


Dr. Melissa Petersen

Say “Yes” to Stress to Transform Your Health & Life

DaeEss 1Dreah
(Previously known as Dr. Andrea Pennington)

Adopt a HERO Mindset & Change Your Health Story

Debra Poneman

5 Secrets to Slow, Stop, & Reverse Aging

Dr. Thomas Lodi

How to Stop Making Cancer


Dr. John Ryan

Quantum Healing:
The Hero Lies in You

Dr. Debi Silber

How an Unhealed Betrayal Impacts Your Health, Work, & Relationships

Puma Quispe Singona

Sumaq Kausay:
Harmonize Your Health

Dr. Mario Martinez

The MindBody Hero:
How Longevity is Culturally Learned & the Causes of Health Are Inherited


Nanci Trivellato

Lucid Dreams & Astral Tavel as Tools for Finding Your Purpose

Harry Massey

Restore Your Energy with Bioenergetics

Dr. Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire

Divine Healing:
Master Key to Self Healing

Kedar Brown

The Archetypal Hero's Journey into Healing & Wholeness


Dr. Marie Mbouni

3 Keys to Release Overwhelm & Restore Your Balance to Activate Your Soul Purpose

Andrea Isaacs

Emotional Well-Being & Your Super Power

Russell Mariani

How to Unlock Your Cellular Super Powers!

Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa

SuperHero Herbs Every Day


Dr. Tayria Ward

Dream Medicine

Jen Frey

Connecting with Nature to Become the Author of Your Life


Meet Your Host

Fernando Berrios, MD, is a Revolutionary Global Transformational Healer, Speaker, and Bioenergetic Health Practitioner.

During Fernando's formal medical training, including a fellowship in diabetes and hypertension, he collaborated on two published pieces. During this time, he helped hundreds of families and individuals to control and understand their diseases, changing their lifestyles and eating habits.

Fernando has over 22 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry (clinical trials) collaborating as a researcher. As an owner of a research center, he was able to support and change the lives of many people who participated in the clinical trials, providing them with personalized coaching, guidance, and tools that created a significant positive change in their lives.

During this time, he experienced an awakening process, in which he felt that something wasn’t right. Then, everything started changing. This created many complications in his life, which was quite difficult. The Universe put together a group of circumstances that constituted “a dark night of the soul,” and pushed him to find his true self. He took the courage to move from conventional medicine to a most revolutionary mission.

Today, Fernando is guiding and helping people to understand, manage, and improve their medical conditions. He combines integrated medicine, spirituality, and healing tools to offer a more comprehensive and holistic level of wellness and knowledge. He guides his patients & clients to practice lifelong self-care and live their life to the fullest, experiencing the power of their true selves.

Today he is following his heart, his inner voice, his mission, and his true passion.

There are incredible advances being made now and in recent years —

Not only in the sciences, such as Quantum Physics and Bio-Geology, which are giving us a completely new understanding of who we are and how our bodies function in relation to the Earth and the environment around us —

But also in holistic and energetic healing modalities, which offer a powerful complement to mainstream medical practices.

Come on in to this exciting FREE event, where you’ll hear 20+ Medical Doctors, Holistic Health Practitioners, Experts, Visionaries, Wisdom Keepers, Scientists, and more, bring forth a diverse variety of topics to empower and heal you on all levels!